Party life

It is difficult to me to talk about a job, mainly because I feel that I could not be all my life doing the same thing over and over again in an office, but if I think of a dream job, it could be in organizing parties. Mainly because I worked for some years at parties and events with my sister-in-law and it was a good job, especially because you knew different people and you always ended up being part of the party, you could even eat and drink, so I never stressed.

I can imagine organizing and participating in different types of parties in many different places, traveling to different cities or even other countries, which I would very much like. Thinking about traveling to other countries and meeting people working at parties is something I would really like very much, and there are always many stories to tell. However, I don’t think I would work on parties’ forever, would be something momentary for some years, as a way to travel places and meet people.

After that, I would like to be able to work in a kind of mix of jobs between my previous career, Public Administration and Architecture (if I finish it), I think that way I could have greater economic stability and a more peaceful life.

Anyway I consider that this mix of jobs would be fabulous if I allowed to continue traveling around the world as organizing parties. Finally, I would also like to study a magister or postgraduate in one of the two areas abroad.


  1. i want that job!!! where i can find it hahahha!
    awesome an so relaxing
    i like a lot the mixture you want to do!
    good luck

  2. wow your dream job sounds really nice, I hope you can achieved your goals! :)

  3. I second the idea about mix jobs! It sounds awesome organize parties, especially the part of been part of the party ahahaI hope you can keep that job!

  4. This is the first time I know someone with that dream job! That sounds great :)


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